The English version has documentation that allows the user to install and work with bastion-firewall. The development of bastion-firewall was done in Spanish, and this is a semitraduced version. The parts traduced are: All the commands and the messages from the firewall, the man pages, the documentation of the firewall, all the commentaries and help in the config files, part of the messages in the generated script and all the start and stop scripts. The only notable absence are the tutorials, but the information in the config files is more than enough to work with the firewall. The packages to download are the ones indicated down under, having in mind the comentaries indicated with each package. The only essential packages are bastion-firewall-base, bastion-firewall-ulogd and bastion-firewall stats. You better not download bastion-firewall-interface because it has no funcionality at this time.



bastion-firewall-base-en_1.0-2_i386.deb : Base package for bastion-firewall. Essential. You must download this.

bastion-firewall-stats-en_1.0-2_i386.deb : Statistics and graphics package integrated with rrdtool. Essential. You must download this.

bastion-firewall-ulogd-en_1.0-2_i386.deb : Logging package based in ULOGD. Essential. You must download this.

bastion-firewall-snort-inline-en_1.0-2_i386.deb : IPS package integrated with bastion-firewall. Very recommendable.

bastion-firewall-interface-en_1.0-2_i386.deb : Web Interface. Technological demostration. No functionality yet. YOU DON'T WANT TO download this unless you want to colaborate in the development of this software.

bastion-firewall-snort-en_1.0-2_i386.deb : Snort not integrated with bastion-firewall. It's probably more advisable to download the last version from www.snort.org and install it in your system. DON'T download this if this is the case.

bastion-firewall-hogwash-en_1.0-2_i386.deb : IPS similar to snort-inline but less mature. It's not integrated with bastion-firewall. You can download and install it from the hogwash site or better use snort-inline. DON'T USE THIS unless you really need it.


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