This program is distributed in the hope that they will be useful,
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
more details.
bastion-firewall INSTALL
General information about the instalation
bastion-firewall comes in two versions, the spanish version and the
semi-traducted english version. Download from bgSEC (
the more suitable version in your idiom and proceed to the
installation following this instructions.
The program is distributed in three formats, as rpm packets for
RedHat like distributions or deb for Debian like distributions,
or as .tar.bz2 packets archived with tar and compressed with
bzip2 and as source code. The more advisable is using the
binary distributions, in the form of rpm or deb packets or in
.tar.bz2 packets, because is simpler than the installation from
the source code, that should only be used if doesn't work any of the
binary distributions or if we want to make modifications
in the bastion-firewall distribution.
The packets for the bastion-firewall distribution are:
Base system
* bastion-firewall-base-1.0.[rpm][deb][tar.bz2][src.tar.bz2] :
Base distribution for bastion-firewall. It's the complete firewall
together with the statistics distribution.
* bastion-firewall-stats-1.0.[rpm][deb][tar.bz2][src.tar.bz2] :
Statistics system for bastion-firewall, is almost essential.
Addon for the web interface
* bastion-firewall-interface-1.0.[rpm][deb][tar.bz2][src.tar.bz2] :
Graphical interface based on apache and PHP 4.
Addons integrated with bastion-firewall
* bastion-firewall-ulogd-1.0.[rpm][deb][tar.bz2][src.tar.bz2] :
Log system based on ulogd, integrated with bastion-firewall
* bastion-firewall-snort-inline-1.0.[rpm][deb][tar.bz2][src.tar.bz2]:
Snort-inline integrated with bastion-firewall, it's an IPS that
is well integrated with bastion-firewall.
Independent addons not integrated with bastion-firewall
* bastion-firewall-snort-1.0.[rpm][deb][tar.bz2][src.tar.bz2] :
Snort for bastion-firewall, a very powerful and flexible IDS
* bastion-firewall-hogwash-1.0.[rpm][deb][tar.bz2][src.tar.bz2] :
Hogwash for bastion-firewall, an IPS similar to snort-inline but
not integrated with bastion-firewall.
You must download the first two, and then the addons
you find useful, to sum up is very interesting having the
addon for the Web Interface and the addons for ulogd and snort-inline.
Then you must install them in your system.
Instalation from rpm or deb
The points to follow are:
1. You must create an user called bastion and a group also called
bastion, you can use adduser in RedHat for example for this
2. Install the packets you have chosen with rpm -i
name_of_the_packet.rpm for RedHat or dpkg -i name_of_the_packet.deb
for Debian. You can use --nodeps with rpm if it asks for other packets.
3. Add if you find it useful the start scripts from bastion-firewall
to the boot scripts of your system, in RedHat it can be done with
4. Configurate bastion-firewall with the configuration files or
using the Web Interface (you have to run first the interface to
do this)
5. Run bastion-firewall, the statistics system and the addons
of bastion-firewall.
Instalation from a tar.bz2 archive
The points to follow are:
1. Uncompress the .tar.bz2 archives with the order tar xjvf
name_of_the_archive.tar.bz2, it will create some directories
called after the name of the archives but without the extension
2. Enter each of the directories and execute the order ./ that
will install the program or the addon in the system, copying the
needed files and creating the needed directories for
3. Create an user called bastion and a group also called
bastion, you can use adduser in RedHat for example for this
4. Add if you find it useful the start scripts from bastion-firewall
to the boot scripts of your system, in RedHat it can be done with
5. Configurate bastion-firewall with the configuration files or
using the Web Interface (you have to run first the interface to
do this)
6. Run bastion-firewall, the statistics system and the addons
of bastion-firewall.
Instalation from the source code
To install bastion-firewall from the source code you need to know
how to compile a program under Linux and about the complications
that can appear in this process, besides you will need
the gcc compiler and the needed libraries for each program or
The points you have to follow are:
1. Uncompress the .tar.bz2 archives with the order tar xjvf
name_of_the_archive.tar.bz2, it will create some directories
called after the name of the archives but without the extension
2. For the base system you just have to enter the directory and execute
the order ./ or depending of
the distribution you have, that installs the program in the system,
copying the needed files and creating the needed directories
for bastion-firewall. bastion-firewall is written in
bash and doesn't need to be compiled. This command will install also
the init scripts for bastion-firewall at /etc/rc.d/init.d for
RedHat or /etc/init.d for Debian.
3. Enter each of the directories and execute the order ./ that
will execute the configure script of each of the addons and then make
and make install to install the program or addon in the system,
copying the needed files and creating the needed directories
necesarios for bastion-firewall. You can also do it by hand using
the scripts in the directory build for each program or addon
that will execute the order configure with the correct
parameters, and then executing make and make install, and
making the changes you find that are needed. The compilation
of the addons can take a great amount of time and space in
your hard disk.
4. Create an user called bastion and a group also called
bastion, you can use adduser in RedHat for example for this
5. Add if you find it useful the start scripts from bastion-firewall
to the boot scripts of your system, in RedHat it can be done with
6. Configurate bastion-firewall with the configuration files or
using the Web Interface (you have to run first the interface to
do this)
7. Run bastion-firewall, the statistics system and the addons
of bastion-firewall.
Instalation of the firewall stressing programs
With the distribution it's included an archive called
bastion-firewall-fwstressing.tar.bz2 that contains a directory with
some scripts that will allow you to configure in a correct manner some
firewall stressing (firewall testing) programs as for example
nmap, ethereal, hping2 and similar programs. The user must
download from the web sites indicated in the web page each of the
programs and use the scripts to configure them (or configure them
by hand) and then compile them with the needed make orders. Some of
this programs are probably already installed in your system and
doesn't need to be compiled.